Monday, June 25, 2012

Between a rock and a crazy place.

I'm in a high right now. Which means that I feel awesome about myself, quick to spring back, cheerful, and energetic.

It also means I can get into full-blown mania. In which I'm quick to anger, can't control what I feel, get stuck in cyclical thoughts of self-hatred and annoyance and self-awareness ("I know I shouldn't feel like this, I hate myself for feeling it, is it worth saying just because I feel it even though it will bring everything down or should I shut up and try ineffectually to feel better on my own..."), feel sensitive to the point of rawness about a lot of things that I normally would be able to brush off and/or rationalize and move on from.

I had a really crazy episode earlier this week, and it came right after two weeks of almost constant awesome feeling. I fell from a high place and crashed hard. I thought, well that was a good run. I guess I'm grateful for the only two weeks in the past two years that I've felt really me.

One part of my mental illness is the powerlessness of spontaneously forgetting things when they upset me. Oh, it's even shittier than it sounds. In the middle of an argument, I'll forget what I/Sam has just said. Literally JUST said. I'll forget previous arguments, I'll blank in the middle of a sentence. Right now, I cannot even recall what I got upset about the other day. This might seem like a blessing sometimes. It's not.

Because now I just remember silently sobbing myself to sleep, hardly staying that way, hating myself from the moment I awakened. Thinking about wanting to just die, to just not be alive, that Sam would be so much better off, that I add nothing, that I'm just an overly-sensitive terrible person. That I'm annoying, that I'm whiny and self-righteous and WAY TOO FUCKING HIGH-MAINTENANCE, and I resent myself for that (what the fuck?).

Or, tl;dr: Mania = too much. Too much of myself, too many feelings, too polar.

This is what I said to Sam the next day:

"I just hope you understand that when this is going on, it's not my choice
  • I don't choose to feel as full of rage and self-hate and anguish
  • there's a catalyst - in this case, not being able to get to sleep and being awakened rudely - but it is never just about that
  • my brain just explodes all over itself
  • I'm sorry if I make it harder for you to be sympathetic
  • I just know that I have to at least try to just allow myself to feel some rage and upset and yell a little (even on the internet) and fume and feel debilitated like I can't get out of bed
because I know - only from experience and habit, certainly not from faith in the moment - that it will pass. If it gets that bad, it's my disorder, and I need to let it pass."

The "even on the internet" part was referring to some self-conscious microblogging I did on Tumblr that day. I just wanted to yell where people could, possibly, see me. I don't know why. I wouldn't call it "reaching out;" more like being more honest and uncloseted with people about my fucking insane self. I guess I wanted a response, like an "I feel that way too!" or something, but that wasn't my motivation. I feel pretty good about doing that, actually. I'm fucked up. I hope I come across as sincere and honest, as opposed to whiny and self-righteous, but I'm fucked up and high-maintenance sometimes and I'm doing what I can to grow some self-acceptance.

I'm not quite at the same high point as before this episode, and it'd probably be stupidly nostalgic to wish for that. I do feel good, though.

- I bought a bathing suit and I feel awesome in it. Why did I not embrace the high waist earlier in my life?
- I'm looking for jobs, and trying to figure out what I really, seriously want to do, while I'm still young and privileged and still have few enough responsibilities that I can take stupid risks.
- My psychiatrist opportunity fell through (the search said she was a psychiatrist but she was actually a psychologist -- meaning no meds. Uh, no. I need them pillz, thx). So I'm getting up the gumption to follow through with that again.
- I'm about 99% certain I will not be continuing to work at the DOT, for the following reasons:

  • I would need to pay $4-5 THOUSAND dollars to take one [1!] full-time class that spans at least a year and leads me to a certification in something I don't actually want
  • I don't have that money just lying around, WTF
  • I have the option of getting the money directly from them. On the condition (of course) that it is a 3:1 relationship. I.e.: I commit to 1 year of this course, free of charge, and then I commit to 3 years of work with them. Hell no I don't want to work there for three years.
  • I'd be working in MARAD. Which, as I've recently found out, is a goddamned war machine. Not exactly fitting with my ethics, and I wouldn't call myself a pacifist, but fuck falsely righteous slaughter/ethnocide/genocide and the stuff that fuels them.

That is my life update.

Now I lust after Rehoboth Beach and being self-employed.